Our state of the art covert GPS/GPRS/GSM and RF tracking solutions have been exclusively designed for covert tracking of vehicles, persons or assets. We can accurately track anywhere in the world in real time. Trackers can be deployed covertly for long periods, Our trackers work across the globe using GPS/GPRS/RF and GSM. We use the latest cutting edge mapping technologies from Google and Microsoft. This is available to all of our customers via an easy to use online private panel. This state-of-the-art combination of 3D maps, satellite images, and aerial photography is global. Users can instantly switch map type between the various Google and Microsoft views.
covert vehicle trackers OPS-Services will provide you with accurate tracking of vehicles or assets from any where in the world, from your smart phone or computer.
You will be able to view the location and speed of the vehicle, and a full history of the vehicle’s movements, when the vehicle has stopped, and how long it stopped for. You can also zoom in to see the lay-by, house or hotel where the vehicle is located.
Our covert GPS trackers use the latest technology, very accurate and easy to conceal. The tracking panel uses the latest Google Mapping and allow you to zoom into the covert tracker.
The covert tracking system will save all tracker history allowing you to view the movements in your own time, but also making sure you never miss a movement. It is also possible to control the tracker from your mobile phone, by increasing or decreasing the tracking, also turning the tracker off to save power.
When you use OPS Covert GPS trackers, not only are you using the latest trackers you also receive 24/7 support from our duty private investigator. We will covertly deploy manage and extract the tracker. Providing you with a detailed report.
When using covert GPS tracking systems, they are often backed up with video surveillance evidence. Our surveillance operators, are able to deploy at short notice, we are all Ex Military surveillance specialists and will capture the evidence you need.
We are trained in all forms of covert surveillance and operate in rural or built up environments, male and female surveillance operators.
We have surveillance cars, bikes, vans and taxi’s all fitted with many covert camera systems and supported with training OPS with long and short range 4K HD cameras.
If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us Call: 07855306775
Private Investigator Services: Covert surveillance | Bug Sweep | Covert Camera Installation | Covert GPS Tracking | Finding Missing People | Private Investigators | Computer Forensics | Phone Forensics | Cyber Security
OPS Services Ltd was formed and registered with Companies House and formed in the UK in 2006.
A member of many Private Investigation Association, ICO and FSB. A Professional Private Investigation Company you can trust